Durbar High School is teaching Robotics
Sister Robot Drill to Honorable Minister Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai. Durbar High School is teaching Robotics to the student partnering with Robotics Association of Nepal.
Sister Robot Drill to Honorable Minister Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai. Durbar High School is teaching Robotics to the student partnering with Robotics Association of Nepal.
हार्दिकआभार प्रमुख अतिथी माननीय संस्कृति ,पर्यटन तथा उड्डययन मन्त्री श्री योगेश भट्टराई ज्यू,विशेष अतिथी प्रदेश सभासद वसन्त मानन्धर ज्यू,विशेष अतिथी प्राज्ञ डा. देबि नेपाल ज्यू हार्दिक धन्यवाद क.मा.न.पा.२७ वडा अध्यक्ष…
दरवार हाइ स्कुलद्वारा आयोजना गरिएको( लकडाउनमा मेरो अनुभूति /My experience during lockdown/लक डाउनया जिगु अनुभव ) अन लाईन निबन्ध प्रतियोगिताको पुरस्कार वितरण समारोह महाकवि लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटाको जन्म उत्सब(लक्ष्मी पूजा) को…
President Bhandari inaugurate the newly restored building of Durbar High School, Nepal’s first ever school, on Wednesday October 21, 2020.